Tuesday 22 February 2011

River Otters back from extinction

Take a look at these facts about river otters and why they are now making a come back.

More information on Otters - BBC Wildlife Finder

What are your views on river pollution and the effect it has on wildlife?  Post your comments below.

Saturday 19 February 2011


Hi Year 5!

Just a reminder to get reading over half term.  Try to beat your term target and read EVEN MORE books than you thought you would!

Have a fun holiday!

Miss Szyndler

Thursday 10 February 2011

Howes TV Mathematical Methods

This Week

This week we have been doing sign 2 sing in the hall with all the school to try and be in the Guiness book of records. Also this week some of the year 5 children had gone to the swimming gala on wednesday morning. We battled against yr6 in a times table challenge but who will win ultimately? Go to yr6 blog to vote. We have been planning our moving space toys and looking at differnt cams like snail cams, egg cams and oval cams. Watch this space for upcoming photos.

By Phoebe and Kurun

Wednesday 9 February 2011

Jaguar Partnership Centre

Back in the Autumn Term year 5 took part in a CAD/CAM challenge at the Jaguar Partnership Centre. Here is some of our work:

Friday 4 February 2011

Some of our short Science Fiction Stories

The Hole in the Ground
By Garry

Have you ever been under the earth?

Donna was thinking of this question while she was lying on the calm, soft grass in her massive garden.  It felt as soft as a sponge.  She wished she could go to sleep, but she had to go to the city.  She needed food because she had friends coming over for dinner.

As she hurried through the city, she suddenly slipped on a banana skin and found herself falling into a crumbling, rotating hole!  She span as fast as a Ferrari, round and round.

As she was falling she landed on her back quite hard, on top of a jagged space ship! She saw a freaky alien. It looked ferocious with sixteen slimy horrible antennas on its pink spotted head.  She screamed as loud as she could.  The hole got bigger and bigger until it covered the ground where she had walked.  Then the aliens locked all of the people in their dungeons.

All of the people would get turned into aliens because the aliens needed the earth because their planet was destroyed.  Everyone was upset.

Suddenly Dr Who appeared and he found the aliens a new planet.

Sapphire's Mysterious Adventure
By Ella

Have you ever had a strange day that's really weird?  Sapphire has and here's her story.

Sapphire is a trendy girl who wears skinny blue jeans and a glittery baggy cream top.  She's a lonely girl and she doesn't have many friends.  People think she's weird because she lives on her own.  Her walls are bumpy and cream white; they have no dirty marks on them.  She also has this shiny glass door but when you open it, it creaks and squeaks like a mouse going mad.  On her door she has this ancient lion door knob.  Her roof is smooth like fur but it's shaped like a triangle.  Her surroundings are very quiet, there's nobody about it's just her.

Sapphire wanted to meet some friends and make a best friend so she went to a city called Mas.  Over her, 6 tall skyscrapers were standing, bending over her weirdly like they were going to collapse.  There were busy roads with trucks, cars and taxis beeping their horns and taxi drivers shouting and talking.

She smelt crispy burnt cookies filling the city town.  Her throat went really dry and her lips dribbled with spit floating down her neck; she couldn't resist this smell.  Then she stopped.  She could hear a terrific parade, singing their heads off and they were dancing wildly with big smiles on their faces.  Their feet were clonking and stomping and prancing to a good beat.

All this time, Sapphire was laughing and she was having a fabulous time but then suddenly everything stopped and it went silent.  People ran away screaming.  Towards her came a stunning, burning meteor.  It burned a massive hole in the road.  Then these strange creatures started crawling out of the hole.  They looked slimy and gooey and their faces were all wrinkly with lines.  Sapphire had never seen creatures like this before.

Two weeks earlier these aliens lived on a planet called Shlomak (their people were called Shlimes) but unfortunately their planet died.  A comet hit their planet and damaged it badly with an explosion!  So they had to escape quickly or they would've died and now they had landed on earth.

Now, Sapphire was speechless, she couldn't say anything.  Eventually this man called The Doctor came.  He appeared in a blue tardis and dashed out of the box.  By now the aliens were threatening that they were going to kill Sapphire if they couldn't have this planet.  The Doctor was pleading with them saying, "Let her go NOW please.  Trust me just let her go!"

The tired aliens let her go and the Doctor grabbed her.  He was explaining that if they left the planet then he would find them another planet. So the Doctor did that.  The Doctor led them and Sapphire to a planet.  She described it as amazing, wonderful and astonishing and she couldn't believe her eyes.  In the end Sapphire lived on that planet and became the queen. She had nice little aliens helping her.

Sapphire was grateful that she had become a true friend of the Doctor and they travelled among many planets and wonderful places.  

I wonder, would you like to be in Sapphire's shoes? 

Thursday 3 February 2011

Emotive poetry about the Challenger Disaster.

As part of our project on space, we have looked at the Challenger Disaster in 1986.

Here is a link to the real footage of this event.

BBC Challenger Liftoff
“We will never forget them, nor the last time we saw them, this morning, as they prepared for their journey and waved goodbye and slipped the surly bonds of Earth’ to ‘touch the face of God.”

We have been writing poems to reflect our feelings about this event.

Watch our performances of our own poetry below.