Thursday, 3 February 2011

Emotive poetry about the Challenger Disaster.

As part of our project on space, we have looked at the Challenger Disaster in 1986.

Here is a link to the real footage of this event.

BBC Challenger Liftoff
“We will never forget them, nor the last time we saw them, this morning, as they prepared for their journey and waved goodbye and slipped the surly bonds of Earth’ to ‘touch the face of God.”

We have been writing poems to reflect our feelings about this event.

Watch our performances of our own poetry below.


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. love the children's videos

  3. well done Year 5
    I am impressed with your poems and your technological abilities!
    I remember this event and how shocking it was at the time.
    I was teaching a year 6 class and we spent some time discussing what had happened. (those year 6 children are now 30 something!!!)
    Mrs Brammer

  4. well done yr5 i have watched all of them and they are amazing.
    ciara harley

  5. This is really quite good i can't wait to
    see all of the other videos put on.
    I looked o the NASA website and they've got a
    video on columbia, challenger and apollo 1
    This was posted by a boy in yr5
    (I'll give you a clue, this boys name starts
    with an AA) You should get it

  6. This is so cool all opf your poema are murking up the scene. God bless those brave astronauts.

    Kurun :*(

  7. i can't wait for every single video to be put
    on. I'm waiting to see MY video aswell.
    I've been looking everyday and i still like
    listening to the poems

    (if you didn't guess i wrote the other
    message aswell)Aarid

  8. It is still saved on laptop 13 and cannot be added until Monday. :o(


  9. Great poems year 5, I really like how you have used a green screen. Mr B

  10. Well done Year 5. I have shown my Mum a couple and she was really impressed, and was interested to hear what you are all like!

    Mr. Smith :)
